Working with Loops in JavaScript

Working with Loops in JavaScript

Hi guys! I hope you're well.

Welcome to another article where I will be talking about **Loops **in JavaScript. Before we dive right in, I would like to show you how code would have been written in the absence of Loops.

Let's say you want to print out a name x number of times. You would do this:


Stressful right? Now let's dive right into Loops and their variations.

Definition of Loops

Loops repeat an action a given number of times. They come in handy in our previous example above. Let's review it this time using Loops:

for( let i = 0; i < 5; i++){
    console.log("My name is ${Somy}"); //returns My name is Somy five times

It looks mind-boggling, right? Let's break it down into tiny bits.

The Different Variations of Loops

  1. for Loop:

In our example above, we used the for keyword, the

Within the ```
``` parenthesis we have the three expressions guiding our loops like so:

for( [initial expression; condition; increment expression] )

When a ```
``` loop runs, the following occurs behind the scenes:

(**i**) Initial expression: According to MDN, the [initial expression]( usually initializes one or more loop counters. It is executed before the code block. It can also declare variables.

(**ii**) Condition: The code will continue to run as long as the given condition evaluates to true. It is a Boolean expression. In the example above, we had `i < 5` ( `i` must be less than 5) as our condition. 

(**iii**) Increment expression: This is where the value of `i` is increased each time the loop executes. It could also be a decrement expression.

> Note: The letter `i` in the loop is optional and it stands for index. It is used as a temporary variable.

2 . **while Loop**: The while loop is similar to the `for` loop in which the loop continues to execute as the condition remains true.

Let's take an example:

let i = 1; while (i <= 5){ console.log("The number is ", i); i++; } //returns The number is 1 //returns The number is 2 //returns The number is 3 //returns The number is 4 //returns The number is 5

The loop above will continue to run as long as the variable `i` is less than or equal to 5. The variable `i` will increase each time the loop runs.

3 . ** for...of Loop**: The `for...of` loop is used to iterate over arrays and other iterable objects. Below is a syntax:

for (variable of iterable){ statement }

`variable`: For every iteration, the value of the next property is assigned to the variable.
`iteration`: An object that has iterable properties.

Let's take an example:

let classNames = ["Dave", "Tobi", "Peter", "Somy"];

for(let names of classNames){ console.log("The student name is: ",names); } //returns The student's name is Dave //returns The student's name is Tobi //returns The student's name is Peter //returns The student's name is Somy

4 . **Infinite Loops**: The infinite loop never stops executing just as the name implies. This situation could cause your browser or program to crash. Below is an example of an infinite loop:
for (let i = 10; i >= 0; i++){ console.log(i); }

For more resources on Loops in JavaScript, visit [MDN](, [w3schools]( or [Freecodecamp](